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1. Bless the Lord, Oh Your Soul

It’s really here! The Lord has been kind and therefore our prevailing attitude should be gratitude and our hearts and mouths should bless the Lord. Further, thanks should be given to all of the CLC members who have given much in prayer, money, and labor.

2. Invite Someone

You’ve likely spoken to members of the community who have asked, “When’s the building open?” or something similar. Now you can give an answer. Further, many might be curious about attending, but need a final nudge by an invitation.

3. Arrive Early

Life happens (especially on Sunday mornings it seems!), but in general, Christians shouldn’t be consistently late for anything; work, practices, parties, etc, as it shows a general lack of respect for others. This includes our worship gatherings. On this first Sunday especially, arriving early allows you to figure out parking, find your new classroom, and then:

4. Welcome Others

Lord willing (and if we’re faithful with the first point) we’ll have new people to welcome. Make a point to approach them, sit with them, and help them feel comfortable.

If they can’t find their way around the Bible, or they need to find the nursery, help them yourself. As you engage, be aware of our website and our welcome cards that point them to more info about Jesus, His gospel, and our church. 

5. Sing Loudly

(Even you, Ryan!) It is everyone’s responsibility to share in the corporate singing of the congregation. Our enthusiasm in singing our faith is of great help to those around us and those leading the music, even if we can barely hold a tune. Just pretend you’re in the shower.

6. Listen Actively

Actively listening tells unbelievers and visitors we actually believe this bible we’re reading.

7. Pray Earnestly

Use the prayer time to meet others and find out their concerns and pray quietly with them. This will look a bit weird to newcomers with pairs of bowed heads all around the building, but they will know that we love each other and actually trust God.  

8. After Worship

Grab a newcomer, go to lunch, and start a ‘spiritual’ conversation. Even if it doesn’t get off the ground, our enthusiasm for the scripture will be contagious and unbelievers will see that, again, we actually believe this stuff.


1. Parking

The east side of the building has 2 rows of parking with vehicles facing east and west. Handicapped parking is available on this side. The west side of the building has 4 rows of parking with vehicles facing north and south and south and north. Handicapped parking is available on this side as well. Pilot cars will be parked early to show where the rows are.

2. Chairs with Armrests

We have 14 chairs with arm rests. Please reserve these for those who need a little extra help getting up and down.

3. Classrooms

Adult Classes are in the east hallway and are numbered.

1: Joe’s. 2. George’s. 3. Max’s. 4. Larry’s.

CLC Kids and Nursery are in the west hallway and numbered.

1. PreK-K. 2. 1st-5th. 3. 6-12th.

CLC Kid’s Check-In for our first week until we get our software figured out, nursery check in will be a paper sign in.